CPQ Run and Maintain Offering

An effective run and maintain practice encompassing these elements can contribute significantly to the stability and effectiveness of a commercial off-the-shelf or custom CPQ system for any company. 

  • Monitoring Tools

    Implement robust monitoring tools to keep a constant eye on system performance, identifying and addressing issues promptly.

  • Disaster Recovery Services

    Establish a reliable backup and recovery system to safeguard critical data and ensure minimal downtime in case of unexpected incidents.

  • Security Measures

    Prioritize cybersecurity with firewalls, antivirus software, and regular security audits to protect sensitive company information from potential threats.

  • Patch Management

    Stay on top of software updates and patches to address vulnerabilities and ensure that the CPQ system is running the latest, most secure versions.

  • Documentation

    Maintain comprehensive documentation for the CPQ system, including configurations, processes, and updates, to facilitate troubleshooting and knowledge transfer.

  • Change Management

    Implement a structured change management process to assess and control modifications to the system, preventing unintended disruptions.

  • User Training and Support

    Provide ongoing training for end-users and a robust support system to address user queries, ensuring efficient utilization of the CPQ system.

  • Performance Optimization

    Regularly assess and optimize systemperformance to enhance efficiency and responsiveness, ensuring that thesystem meets the evolving needs of the business.

  • Capacity Planning

    Plan for future growth by monitoring resource utilizationand anticipating capacity needs, preventing performance bottlenecks as thecompany expands.

  • Compliance Management

    Stay informed about regulatory requirements andindustry standards to ensure the CPQ system complies with relevantregulations, reducing legal risks.

  • Incident Response Plan

    Develop a well-defined incident response plan toaddress and mitigate system disruptions promptly, minimizing the impact onbusiness operations.

  • Vendor Relationships

    If third-party components are involved, maintainstrong relationships with vendors, ensuring timely support, and stayinginformed about updates and enhancements.

  • Performance Metrics and Reporting

    Establish key performance indicators(KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of the CPQ system and generate regularreports for stakeholders.

  • Financial Management

    Monitor and manage the budget allocated for therun and maintain practice, ensuring cost-effectiveness while maintaininghigh-quality support.

  • Continuous Improvement

    Foster a culture of continuous improvement, encouraging the team to explore and implement innovative solutions to enhance the CPQ system's overall efficiency.